GNS JAMMU APR,02 : Minister for Forest, Main Altaf today informed the House that the department is distributing timber to the consumers of various concession zones on different rates as notified by the Government under order No 139/FST of 1979. Replying to question by Mr. Naresh Kumar Gupta, the Minister said that the Zones notified and under ‘A’ zone concession area comprises the villages situated within 3 Kms of such demarcated forest boundary while as ‘B’ Zone concession comprise the villages situated beyond 3 kms but within 5 kms of the demarcated forest boundary. Main Altaf said the areas beyond 5 kms are called ‘C’ Zones which include notified Municipal Committees and Municipal Councils. He said in these areas the timber is being supplied by the forest Department on the rates fixed by the Government. The Minister said in addition to that, the State Forest Corporation also supplies timber to the Municipal Corporations and they are also selling timber through open auction to th...
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