PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Ahmedabad, Apr 22: The post-Godhra riots have come to haunt Narendra Modi with a senior IPS officer alleging that the Gujarat chief minister had allowed Hindus to “vent their anger” against Muslims to “teach them a lesson” during the 2002 communal riots.“In his affidavit in the Supreme Court, IPS officer Sanjeev Bhatt has said that the chief minister in a meeting held on February 27, 2002 expressed the view that Hindus be allowed to vent out their anger,” sources close to him said here Friday referring to the affidavit in the Zakia Jaffery case.“I filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court on April 14. This is regarding the investigation being done by the Special Investigation Team (SIT),” Bhatt said, but declined to divulge its contents.The officer, who was posted as DCP at the State Intelligence Bureau (SIB) during the 2002 riots, said in the affidavit that he had attended the February 27 meeting called by Modi where he asked officers to be “indifferent” to the riot...
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