Army responsible for killing of Kashmiri : Prashant Bhushan GNS Srinagar, March 5:Urging Government of India to resolve Kashmir issue as soon as possible Human Rights activist and reputed Supreme Court lawyer, Prashant Bhushan Tuesday claimed that no Kahsmiri is safe in any part of India as communal forces are ruling the country.“In Kashmir Army is responsible for su ppression while in India communal forces including extremist Hindu outfits are busy in terrorizing Kashmiri people who manger their affairs in different parts of India. How can you expect that a Kashmiri is safe in India when police can do encounter of anybody even an Indian in any part of the country,” Prashant Bhushan told Srinagar based news agency adding that the execution of Afzal Guroo brought disrepute to India.Commenting on the mysterious death of Kashmiri student in Hyderabad, Prashant Bhushan said that Kashmiri people managing their affairs in different states of India are not secure. He said there is lawless...
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