The BJP today accused Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah of “encouraging” separatists with his speech in the state assembly. “His (Abdullah) statement gives rise to several doubts. Is he saying Jammu and Kashmir was not merged? Is he challenging the Constitution and overlooking his own (J-K) Constitution. His is an irresponsible statement which encourages separatists who are saying the same thing in different words,” senior BJP leader M M Joshi told reporters. The former HRD Minister maintained that since Abdullah holds a “responsible, constitutional position” he should not have made these remarks in the state assembly. Abdullah had said on Wednesday in the assembly that Jammu and Kashmir had not merged with India but acceded to it. “It is not right for any Chief Minister, especially of Jammu and Kashmir, to say so. The most laughable thing he (Abdullah) said was that Jammu and Kashmir had not merged but acceded. All provinces and states had acceded through the Instrument o...
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