The BJP today accused Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah of “encouraging” separatists with his speech in the state assembly. “His (Abdullah) statement gives rise to several doubts. Is he saying Jammu and Kashmir was not merged? Is he challenging the Constitution and overlooking his own (J-K) Constitution. His is an irresponsible statement which encourages separatists who are saying the same thing in different words,” senior BJP leader M M Joshi told reporters. The former HRD Minister maintained that since Abdullah holds a “responsible, constitutional position” he should not have made these remarks in the state assembly. Abdullah had said on Wednesday in the assembly that Jammu and Kashmir had not merged with India but acceded to it. “It is not right for any Chief Minister, especially of Jammu and Kashmir, to say so. The most laughable thing he (Abdullah) said was that Jammu and Kashmir had not merged but acceded. All provinces and states had acceded through the Instrument of Accession and not merged,” Joshi said. He stated that Section 3 of the Jammu and Kashmir Constitution also states that it is an integral part of India. Joshi alleged that Abdullah had “internationalised” the issue by his statement- which included references to Shimla Agreement between India and Pakistan. “The only issue with Pakistan is when it will vacate Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The 1994 resolution in Parliament when P V Narasimha Rao was the Prime Minister states that the entire area is Indian territory. When he (Abdullah) involves Pakistan he is trying to internationalise a domestic issue,” Joshi said. Joshi maintained that involving Pakistan was “not required” and is “dangerous”. The principal opposition made three demands from Abdullah while asking him to clarify his position. “He should not try to internationalise a domestic issue. He should not support separatists and protesters. He should not say that the eight-point formula of the Centre will not succeed when he was consulted on all points, except on re-opening of schools,” Joshi said. The former BJP president maintained that Abdullah’s contention of an economic package not being the solution raised further doubts. “Then is separation the solution? The country cannot tolerate this,” he said. “He (Abdullah) should also make clear if he has any plans for the Kashmiri Pandits who had to leave Kashmir. And also if he is making any arrangements for the Sikhs there,” Joshi said. The senior BJP leader insisted that the Chief Minister and the Centre should keep the welfare of all parts of the state- including Jammu and Ladakh- in mind while formulating policies and plans. Joshi also said that before the state visit of US President Barack Obama to India, the government should ask Pakistan to close all terrorist training camps on its soil and stop exporting terror.
GNS Jammu Feb. 29, : A strange situation which was unfortunately created by an affront by Presiding Officer of J&K Assembly to 4 th Estate has finally been brought to close with media persons ending their protest. Peoples Democratic Party in the wake of this development expresses strong hope that not only will such piquant scenes be avoided. But it should augur well for the relationship of legislature and the the latter ‘s role of public awareness and prevention of abuse in state-functioning cannot be underestimated. In a press statement a party spokesman said that PDP has always stood for free battle of ideas in which media has a significant place and they did not deserve the treatment that they met on publishing received information on alleged scams and misuse of authority by government functionaries and politicians . The spokesman said when media rose against excessive behavior and uncalled for remarks taking a princi...
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