GNS Reporter, October 11 With religious fervour grand Hindu scholar Swami Vishwa Atmanand Saraswati Maharaj kicked off dramatic folk re-enactment of the life of Lord Ram in Rajouri. Ramlila, the enactment of the story of Lord Rama is believed to have been started by great saint Tulsidas. In some places, Ramlila is associated with the Vijayadashmi celebrations, in late September and early October and also with Ramanavami, the birthday of Lord Rama. Ramlila, basically an enactment of a myth, is presented as a cycle-play with the story varying from 7 to 31 days. The Ram Lila performance evokes a festive atmosphere and enables observance of religious rites. It also rich in performance crafts such as costume jewellery, masks, headgear, make-up and decoration. In Rajouri the religious function kicked off from Ramlila ground by Swami Vishwa Atmanand Saraswati Maharaj advised Hindus to follow Ram. The Ramlila in Rajouri have a predominance of 'jhankis' - tableaux pageants; the dialogue -based style with multi-lingual staging; the operatic style drawing its musical elements from the folk operas of the region. Professionals troupes called "mandalis" religiously stage the accepted performance. Ramlila will culminate on October 17 on the day of Dushera. The event also gave a message of communal harmony in Rajouri with Auqaf Islamia providing facilities to the Hindu artists to use Auqaf ground. Every year Hindus initiate Ramlia from Auqaf Islamia ground.
GNS Jammu Feb. 29, : A strange situation which was unfortunately created by an affront by Presiding Officer of J&K Assembly to 4 th Estate has finally been brought to close with media persons ending their protest. Peoples Democratic Party in the wake of this development expresses strong hope that not only will such piquant scenes be avoided. But it should augur well for the relationship of legislature and the the latter ‘s role of public awareness and prevention of abuse in state-functioning cannot be underestimated. In a press statement a party spokesman said that PDP has always stood for free battle of ideas in which media has a significant place and they did not deserve the treatment that they met on publishing received information on alleged scams and misuse of authority by government functionaries and politicians . The spokesman said when media rose against excessive behavior and uncalled for remarks taking a princi...
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