By: Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Raina, 7 is a natural number. It is a prime number which is also sum of two prime numbers 5 and 2.It has been seen that this number has great significance in Islam and it had been frequently used in The Holy Quran and sayings of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.). Aeman(Faith) is the first fundamental of Islam. The detailed definition of Aeman is to bring faith blindly on 7 things: first faith on God, second faith on His angels, third faith on His books, fourth faith on His Prophets, fifth faith on the Day of Judgement (Kiyamat), sixth faith on fate (Takdeer) and seventh faith on re-life after death. Muslims are directed to start every work with the word Bismillah. Bismillah means I start with name of God. The Abjid Haroof of the Arabic word Bismillah is 786. The number 786 starts with 7.The sum of all digits of 786 = 7+8+6 = 21 which is a multiple of 7 and clearly the product of all digits of 786 = 7´8´6 is also multiple of 7.The sum of other digits 8 and 6 is multiple of 7. The first Surah of The Holy Quran is Surah Al-Fateh. It has 7 verses. Among these 7, first three contain praise of God , last three contains prayer of human being to God and the central verse is equally divided in two parts, first again explain greatness of God and second part is again a prayer to God. In this way the Surah is exactly divided in to two parts. First half contains praise and greatness of God and second half is prayer of human beings to God. Nimaz is the second and most important fundamental of Islam after faith. It is obligatory for every Muslim to perform five times Nimaz daily whether he is rich or poor, healthy or patient, at home or in journey. The total number of Rikats of evening Nimaz is 7.The maximum rikats of Fariz and Vajib in a single Namaz is 7(in Aishah Nimaz 4 fariz and 3 Viters).The total number of Rikats of Fariz in all Namaz(2+4+4+3+4) is17 which has 7 at its unit place. The total number of Fariz in Bath and Ablution (3+4) is 7. Fasting during the month of Ramzan is third fundamental of Islam. It is obligatory for every Muslims except patients to observe fasts during the month of Ramzan. The Holy night known as Shab-E-Qudir is of great importance. Almost all Islamic Scholar are of the opinion that it is 27th night of the Holy Month of Ramzan. It is also said that in this Night the Great Angel Jabrail is sent on the earth with 70000 angels who recommend the demands of the human beings to God whatever they want. In this month the reward of good deeds is increased 70 times. Paying of Zokat is fourth fundamental of Islam. It is obligatory for every Muslims to pay 2.5% of his wealth as Zokat who are holding 7.5 tolas of Gold. In Sural-Al-Baqarah(Verse No.61), it said that the example of those who spend their substance in the way of God is that of a grain which grows 7 ears and each ear has hundred grains. God even increases for some whom he is pleased. Hajj is the 5th fundamental of Islam. It necessary for all those Muslims who afford to perform one Hajj during life time. During Hajj one has to perform several duties. One among them is Towaf of Khana Kaba which means to perform 7 rounds around Khana Kaba. Sai is one of the important factors of Hajj and Umra which means 7 rounds between the Mountains Safa and Murva. Rami Jamratis also an important factor of Hajj which means to throw 7 stones on pillar of Iblees. Prophet Mohammad(SA) said that on the Day of Judgement 7 people would be under the shadow of Thorne of God(Arish).These 7 people are: first is a King who always do justice, second a person who had remained busy in worship of God during his youth period, third a person who likes to sit in masque, fourth the two persons who meet and depart for God sake, fifth a person who is attracted by a beautiful woman for doing evil but he ignores her by the fear of God, sixth a person who gives charity in most secret way and seventh is a person who remembers God in lonely and tears follow from his eyes due to fear of God. Prophet Mohammad(SA) said when a person embraced Islam his all sins prior to this are forgiven and his reward for good deeds is increased from 10 to 70 times. In an other saying Prophet Mohammad (SA) has prohibited the 7 things: (i) Backbiting and unnecessary discussion,(ii) Asking of many questions in the controversial matters and (iii)Unnecessary spending of money and wealth,(iv) Disobedience of mothers,(v) Berried alive the girls (vi) To deprive the others from your own kindness, (vii) Unnecessary begging. In one saying of Prophet Mohammad (SA) it is said that on the Day of Judgement 70000 people will be send to heaven without any questioning. He has also told an herb(Hood Hindi) which according to him is cure of 7 diseases. Prophet Mohammad(SA) said that one should protect himself from 7 dangerous sins which are: first to make some one as partner of God, second doing magics, third murder of innocent human being, fourth eating of interest, fifth to grab the assets of orphans, sixth to run away from war and seventh to labelled allegations on pious ladies. In Holy Quran(Surah Al-Anam) God asks Prophet Mohammad(SA) to convey the people(i) Don’t make any partner of God,(ii) Be obedient to parents,(iii) Don’t kill your children due to fare of food,(iv) Don’t follow paths of Beheyayi,(v) Don’t murder(vi) Don’t grab the property of orphans, (vii) Be accurate in weigh and measurement. These are seven items which are asked to Prophet Mohammad (SA) to convey the mankind. When people demanded to Prophet Musa that they would not bring faith unless they sea God. Then Prophet Musa selected 70 people and took them on mount of toor for the purpose (Surah-Al- Aeraf). Prophet Mohammad(SA) said that on the day of Judgement(Kayamat) people will be sinked 70 cubits in swart. He(SA) also said that God gives one time reward to a person just for the intension of doing some good work and when he practically do that work God gives him reward from 10 to 700 times. Prophet (SA) said while telling the punishments of a person who does not perform Nimaz that a big snack will be imposed upon him in grave who punish him continuously for leaving Nimaz. The punishment will be so strong that when the snack will kick his body with nails the body ,the body will go down 70 cubits into earth. Once Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked to Angel Jebrail what his age was, he replied, “there is a star which appears on sky after every 70,000 years and I have seen it 70,000 times”. The Kaba of Angels is known as Baet-Ul-Mamoor. It is said that every time 70000 angels moving round the Baet-Ul-Mamoor and daily new angels performed this duty. No angel is repeated. In Surah Al-Kahf of the Holy Quran a story of companions of cave has been told. Their exact number is not known. Quran says some say they were three and dog was the fourth, some say they were five and dog was the sixth, and some say they were 7 and dog was the eight. Some great scholars of Islam are of the opinion that they were 7 and dog were the eight because it is the last line of the Holy Quran regarding this story. In Surah Al-Banisrail it is said that there are 7 skies. In Surah Al-Lukman it is said that pens made with all the trees on earth and ink made with whole water of sea plus water of 7 more sea are not sufficient to write praise of God. In Sural Al-Sagida it is said that God created 7 skies in two days. Creation of skies and earth was also discussed in some other verses of Quran also. In Surah Al- Yousif the number 7 appeared 10 times in the story of dream of King of Egypt and the prediction of dream made by Hazrat Yousif(RA). In fact this knowledge of prediction of dreams of Hazrat Yousif(RA) had become apparent source of his liberation from the prison and also ultimately and his appointment as Finance Minister of Egypt. In Surah Al-Talaq (Verse No.12) it is said that God created the seven skies and earth. In Surah Al-Haqqah it is written that the the people of Samood and Ad were destroyed by God with natural calamity in the form of a sound vice and fast which was kept continue on them for 7 nights and 8 days. In the same verse it said that on the day of Judgement the sinners will be thrown in heaven and each will be tied with a chin of length 70 cubits. In Surah Al-Tawbah(verse No.80) God addresses Prophet Mohammad(SA) and says, Whether you ask for their forgiveness or not , their sins are unforgivable. If you ask 70 times for their forgiveness, Allah will not forgive them because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger and Allah guides not those who are perversely rebellious. Hell has 7 doors(Surah Al-Hijr, Verse No.44). In the same Surah(Verse No.87) God says, “And we have bestowed upon thee the 7 oft-repeated verses and the Grand Quran”. The 7 oft-repeated verses are usually understood the opening Sural Al-Fatihah. In Surah-Al-Nahl(Verse No.124) there is mention of 7th day. The wars of Badar and Ohad are very famous wars. In the first war a small group of Muslims defeated a big group of the opponent group at the place Badar in Madina Manawarah. Even in this war 14 Muslims were killed and 70 people of the opponent group were killed. Of course 14 is a multiple of 7.In the later war Muslims were harmed much. Hazrat Hamza maternal uncle of Prophet Mohammad (SA) was also killed in this war. A tooth of Prophet Mohammad (SA) was broken in this war and 70 companion of the Prophet Mohammad (SA) were also killed. It is said when war was finished then Prophet Mohammad (SA) made an announcement that who follow the enemies so that they might not again attack. 70 people promised to do so including Hazrat Abubakar (RA) and Hazrat Zabar (RA).It is written that Prophet Mohammad (SA) daily 70 times prayed to God for Magfirat (forgiveness).Prophet (SA) said that is one of the duties of parents that they give name to newly born child within 7 days. 7 has significance otherwise also. We know 70% surface area of earth is occupied by water and 30% is land. Human body contains 70% water and 30% other matter. There are 7 holes in human body. It said that there are several bacteria and virus in pig which he transmits to human beings and animals. These bacteria and virus cause 70 diseases (Tameer-e- Hayat. No24, Vol42). In 1962, 18 masques were built in Breton and in next 10 years the no. of masques increased at the rate of 7 masques per year and present there are 500 masques. Recently a masque in near the Proposed Olympic stadium was constructed in which 70000 people can offer prayer together (Tameer-e- Hayat. No24, Vol42)( Author is Associate Professor and HOD Mathematics at Govt. Degree College ThannaMandi,
GNS Jammu Feb. 29, : A strange situation which was unfortunately created by an affront by Presiding Officer of J&K Assembly to 4 th Estate has finally been brought to close with media persons ending their protest. Peoples Democratic Party in the wake of this development expresses strong hope that not only will such piquant scenes be avoided. But it should augur well for the relationship of legislature and the the latter ‘s role of public awareness and prevention of abuse in state-functioning cannot be underestimated. In a press statement a party spokesman said that PDP has always stood for free battle of ideas in which media has a significant place and they did not deserve the treatment that they met on publishing received information on alleged scams and misuse of authority by government functionaries and politicians . The spokesman said when media rose against excessive behavior and uncalled for remarks taking a princi...
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