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Women wing of youth congress Kathua blamed the state President shoaib lone...

GNS;The women wing of youth congress of Kathua has organized a press conference and condemned the appointment of Ajat Shatru as district president of youth congress by the state committee which is exposed as politically manipulated under pressure.
While addressing the press conference in-charge women wing of youth congress Kathua Daljeet Kour blamed the state selection committee of the youth congress to make the wrong and fake selection of the non-deserving candidate as district congress youth president in Kathua by ignoring the genuine and most hard worker ground level activists of youth congress Paramjeet Singh who dedicated his whole time and life to the people.
She said that the state president of youth congress Shohaib Loan is totally rejected and failure president who made wrong and undemocratic selection of the district level presidents on caste and community based in which the Kathua Sikh community is totally ignored.
She further said that in this bungling of the selection list our women wing will approach to the Rahul Gandhi and would urge to intervene in the matter to hold the justice with genuine and deserving candidates.


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