Breaking the news Omer Abdulla love marriage controversy
GNS ;A week ago I was told by one of my friends that a top family of the state of Jammu and Kashmir was at the verge of breakage which makes a sense of news but none of the media man or media organization seems to break this public interest news on the pretext of personal and private life of the person. On my insist to identify the family, he said, the marital life of state chief minister was at the verge of breakage as the young chief minister of the state was readying to solemnize new marriage for which he ( my Friend ) cited different possible names. He said the matter is talk of the every nook and corner of the state but none of the media man musters courage to break it out despite the public interest potential of the news. He further said that “ it is yet to be seen that who will bell the cat?”. I was astonished that why my friend takes this a dangerous story and he wants to see the person who will bell the cat. However, on 11th of September 2011, a Delhi based columnist , Nora Chopra, broke this story by citing an unknown source. The breaking story under the caption “ Omar Abdullah getting divorced , to marry TV anchor”, says that the marital life of Jammu Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah was at the verge of breakage due to the intention of Chief Minister to marry a TV anchor who hails from Jammu and Kashmir state. The story published on the website of a weekly news paper edited and owned by renowned journalist MJ Akbar “ The Sunday Guardian” says that both Omar and his wife Payel have mutually agreed to get divorced. Though, I am not sure that whether what ever Nora Chopra did brake as a news is all correct or a mere gossip. But the potential of the gossip can not be ruled out even if it is rumor because the story is related to a person who happens to be the head of the state. I am not here to discuss that our chief minister was doing something wrong or untoward which was not possible in the human life and society. And it is not something which was going to happen first time in the world . My point is that why did our media men didn’t give this rumor a little space in their publications when their half of the publications rely on rumors only. And they never wait to check the authenticity of the news which is not harmful for their interests. My point here is that whether is it Chief Minister’s part of private life or not ? Our readers are testimony to the fact that when our same Chief Minister travels by road from Jammu to Srinagar and he takes lunch near PEERA with Rajmaash. Is this not a personal choice or life of chief minister what ever he likes to take in lunch or dinner? But this makes a lead news story of the news papers along with the banner photograph of CM while taking lunch at PEERA on national high way. Similarly, when our same chief minister used to visit Khawja Ajmeeri shrine at Ajmeer Sharief with his family in the past, he was given full coverage in the same media with out feeling that it was his quite personal affair and life. No doubt, each and every act of the head of the state is some thing about which the people want to know. And if his lunch and dinner menu was given coverage and his private visits of shrine were displayed by media was need of the readers particularly those who elected him. And his homely life is no exception. People want to know each and every thing about their leader. I wonder, how our media made this part of his story a private life despite the urge of the readers and viewers. We know the story of the most powerful man of the world Ex US president Bill Clinton and his love story with a domestic help called Minka Livinsky. The liberal society of the world called US had made it a biggest news around the globe when it involved their head of the state. And the love story had got banner coverage around the globe. Although being a human being Omar Abdullah has all rights enjoy his social life and decide about his social life but it is not justified to say that people have no right to know fully about the likes and dislikes of their head of the state. Being a head of the state. The chief Minister must clarify the rumor being spread about him because the people are anxious and interest to know the reality about their leader. And he should not hesitate to share the details because it is no crime if the story broken by Columnist Nora Chopra is correct.
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