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PFP urges British MPs to voice for Kashmiris rights

Press for Peace (PFP), a campaign group on Wednesday appealed British parliamentarians to raise their voice to protect human rights in Kashmir. PFP founder Zafar Iqbal sent an appeal to 648 members of British House of Commons, in which he highlighted major issues faced by people in three units of Jammu and Kashmir. Expressing deep concern over human rights violations in all entities of Jammu and Kashmir committed by India and Pakistan, appeal urged parliamentarians to raise voice for peaceful resolution of Kashmir conflict. It urged British MPs to support the demand of the establishment of an independent commission to probe the incident of unnamed graves in Kashmir. It said that Kashmiris are concerned over arrest of political workers in Indian Kashmir and Pakistani Gilgit-Baltistan. The appeal said that both the India and Pakistan have failed to address the grievances of local population and environmental concerns raised by some major development projects like Diamer-Bhasha Dam (GB), Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project and Mangla Upraising Power project (PAK) and Kishanganga Project (IAK). It further said Pakistan has misused £300m international aid donated to for the rebuilding of quake ridden region affected in 2005 earthquake. Memorandum said that rigging and misuse of power by the government of Pakistan have been reported in recent elections(June 26,2011) in Pakistani administrated Kashmir where through some constitutional sanctions political parties, who don’t believe on state accession to Pakistan, were barred to exercise their basic human right of freedom of expression and political will. It observed that outlawed groups like Jammaat ud-dawah (JuD) are carrying out their operations freely in Pakistani Kashmir.“People of Kashmir are concerned over the recent appearance of some banned militants in Neelum Valley region of Pakistani Kashmir where civilian population consider this movement a great danger for Indo-Pak ceasefire on the Line of Control (LoC). MPs were informed that lack of bank and communication facilities for traders; presence of barter trade system and excessive use of bureaucratic procedures are major hurdles which make cross LOC trade meaningless. “Excessive security checks imposed on travellers of Muzaffarabad- Srinagar Bus Service are increasing the miseries of divided families and must be replaced by simpler and public friendly procedures.”PFP hoped that profound support British legislators for peace and development in Kashmir will give a gracious message to the people of Jammu and Kashmir that international community is serious to resolve the dispute peacefully.

via email ....Press For Peace(PFP)Bank Road,MuzaffarabadJammu and KashmirPh:0092-58810 45457Fax:0092-58810-45437


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