More than two thousand years ago people were asking for proof that God was real. They were told that if they look out for a sign and something amazing will happen. The virgin will give birth to a son and she will name him Immanuel. The mother of Jesus Christ Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph but before they married she was pregnant by the power of the holy spirit. While Joseph was bewildered an angel came to him in dream and said ' Don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the baby in her is from the Holy Spirit. Sprit from God (Sura Al-Nisa : 4:171) or Spirit of holiness ( S. Al -Buqra ; 2:87). The Christian Trinitarian belief that it was Sprit of God meaning Godhead of Jesus. Jesus himself said that Allah is my Lord, so serve Him alone (S 19 : 36) ; In the same Sura 'So she came to her people carrying her baby who remonstrated her saying ' O Mary ! sister of Aaron you have committed a monstrous thing'.
Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the Roman World. So Joseph also went up to register the birth with Mary from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, and to Bethlehem the town of home where he belonged in the line of David. Joseph pledged to be married to Mary who was expecting a child. She gave birth to a son. That night some shepherds in the field witnessed an angel and they were frightened. They were assured by the angel who told them that their savior was born in the town of David. They rushed to see the baby who was lying in the manger and they spread the news. Three Wise men possibly monks from North Kashmir or Tibet came to Jerusalem and asked about the king of the Jews because they saw a star risen in the East. They followed this star that lead them to Bethlehem. When they saw the child they knelt down and worshipped him. These wise men have been called kings but they went back home taking a different route. Jesus birth is used as the time of the year in particular era. BC before his birth and AD after his death. King Herod the Great died in 3 BC. Herod knew about the birth and the star that led the wise men. He wanted to kill Jesus and wanted to use the wise men to direct him. An Angel came in the dream of wise men who warned them not to meet King Herod any more.
Christians call Jesus the Son of the Father and for Muslims Jesus is called the Son of Mary. Muslims believe in the virgin birth but deny that God Almighty was the father of the child. Jesus as mentioned in Sura Buqra felt pain and joy just like humans and preached the greatness of Allah who was one and to whom all including he himself must worship. There are hot debates that Jesus lived the end of his life in Kashmir and was buried in Rosa Bal Khanyar Kashmir. The research towards that end has been paraphrased in the two books that I have under examination. The name of the books is 'Jesus And Moses Are Buried in India ; Birth place of Abraham & The Hebrews' by Gene D Matlock and the second book called 'Jesus Died In Kashmir : Jesus , Moses. The 10 lost Tribes of Israel' by A. Faber Kaiser. It is an area of research that will enlighten the importance of Kashmir to unravel many ambiguities in the life history of the two Great Prophets. The Baal Bebu in Bandipore and Rosabal in Khanyar must be centers where exploration must start with the help of a team of archeologists, anthropologists, theological scientists and historians of fame to work in collaboration. Kashmir will once again be on the map of the world.
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More than two thousand years ago people were asking for proof that God was real. They were told that if they look out for a sign and something amazing will happen. The virgin will give birth to a son and she will name him Immanuel. The mother of Jesus Christ Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph but before they married she was pregnant by the power of the holy spirit. While Joseph was bewildered an angel came to him in dream and said ' Don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the baby in her is from the Holy Spirit. Sprit from God (Sura Al-Nisa : 4:171) or Spirit of holiness ( S. Al -Buqra ; 2:87). The Christian Trinitarian belief that it was Sprit of God meaning Godhead of Jesus. Jesus himself said that Allah is my Lord, so serve Him alone (S 19 : 36) ; In the same Sura 'So she came to her people carrying her baby who remonstrated her saying ' O Mary ! sister of Aaron you have committed a monstrous thing'.
Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the Roman World. So Joseph also went up to register the birth with Mary from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, and to Bethlehem the town of home where he belonged in the line of David. Joseph pledged to be married to Mary who was expecting a child. She gave birth to a son. That night some shepherds in the field witnessed an angel and they were frightened. They were assured by the angel who told them that their savior was born in the town of David. They rushed to see the baby who was lying in the manger and they spread the news. Three Wise men possibly monks from North Kashmir or Tibet came to Jerusalem and asked about the king of the Jews because they saw a star risen in the East. They followed this star that lead them to Bethlehem. When they saw the child they knelt down and worshipped him. These wise men have been called kings but they went back home taking a different route. Jesus birth is used as the time of the year in particular era. BC before his birth and AD after his death. King Herod the Great died in 3 BC. Herod knew about the birth and the star that led the wise men. He wanted to kill Jesus and wanted to use the wise men to direct him. An Angel came in the dream of wise men who warned them not to meet King Herod any more.
Christians call Jesus the Son of the Father and for Muslims Jesus is called the Son of Mary. Muslims believe in the virgin birth but deny that God Almighty was the father of the child. Jesus as mentioned in Sura Buqra felt pain and joy just like humans and preached the greatness of Allah who was one and to whom all including he himself must worship. There are hot debates that Jesus lived the end of his life in Kashmir and was buried in Rosa Bal Khanyar Kashmir. The research towards that end has been paraphrased in the two books that I have under examination. The name of the books is 'Jesus And Moses Are Buried in India ; Birth place of Abraham & The Hebrews' by Gene D Matlock and the second book called 'Jesus Died In Kashmir : Jesus , Moses. The 10 lost Tribes of Israel' by A. Faber Kaiser. It is an area of research that will enlighten the importance of Kashmir to unravel many ambiguities in the life history of the two Great Prophets. The Baal Bebu in Bandipore and Rosabal in Khanyar must be centers where exploration must start with the help of a team of archeologists, anthropologists, theological scientists and historians of fame to work in collaboration. Kashmir will once again be on the map of the world.
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