GNS JAMMU ; State Congress chief and member Rajya Sabha, professor Saif-udin Soz Wednesday said that the Urdu language was facing neglect at government level and demanded that it should be declared second language after Hindi in India."The Promotion of Urdu language needs attention at the highest level in Government of India.This language is spoken and understood throughout India and it is a vibrant situation in UP, Bihar, Karnataka, Andhra, Jammu & Kashmir Maharashtra and Delhi," Soz told Rajya Sabha, according to a statement issued here.On the basis of its contribution to the freedom struggle and promotion of Hindu-Muslim Unity, the language should since have been declared as second official language in the country after Hindi, he said. "That has not unfortunately happened.""In the meantime this language suffers discrimination in certain areas and the Minister of HRD would be well advised to take notice of what is happening on ground."There are 1100 Central Schools in India and not even in one of these schools, he said, Urdu is being taught as no Urdu teacher has been posted. "So, Urdu teachers need to be appointed for these schools on the pattern that has been adopted by UP & Delhi.""Urdu lovers in the country felt shocked recently to know that the Sum of Rupees 100 crores that was earmarked for promotion of Urdu language had been allowed to lapse last year as the CEO of Prasar Bharti did not take measures to organize programmes for promotion of Urdu Language."It is unfortunate that the CEO did not implement the recommendations of the Commission it had itself appointed to organize programmes of Urdu language."The Commission had selected 123 programmes out of 840 programmes put up before it by the Prasar Bharti itself."Soz said that these are just a couple of instances to show the Administrations apathy towards promotion of Urdu language and literature."This apathy must stop as it runs counter to the UPA's avowed position to promote Urdu language & literature," he added.
GNS Jammu Feb. 29, : A strange situation which was unfortunately created by an affront by Presiding Officer of J&K Assembly to 4 th Estate has finally been brought to close with media persons ending their protest. Peoples Democratic Party in the wake of this development expresses strong hope that not only will such piquant scenes be avoided. But it should augur well for the relationship of legislature and the the latter ‘s role of public awareness and prevention of abuse in state-functioning cannot be underestimated. In a press statement a party spokesman said that PDP has always stood for free battle of ideas in which media has a significant place and they did not deserve the treatment that they met on publishing received information on alleged scams and misuse of authority by government functionaries and politicians . The spokesman said when media rose against excessive behavior and uncalled for remarks taking a princi...
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