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Maqbool Bhat,The Resistance Icon

Whither catholicism of Indian democratic leaders who, in their political demeanour, are ideally altruistic in Delhi and blatantly fascistic, chauvinistic and procrustean in Srinagar? Who reneged on the pledge and promise
which Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Indian Premier, made on November 11, 1947 at historical Lal Chowk Srinagar in the presence of Sheikh  Mohammad Abdullah and thousands of Kashmiris who had thronged the Lal square? Yes, it was Pt. Nehru himself who, while feeling nostalgic about the regressive Chanakiyan and Machiavellian politics, backed out of his commitment with perfect perfidy and eventually, in a fit of authoritarianism dethroned Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, the Prime Minister of Kashmir, and lodged him in a prison where he remained languishing for long eleven years. Thus 9th of August, 1953 marks the beginning of Indian proactive political onslaught here. It was the domineering and overbearing attitude of Mrs. Indira Gandhi which prompted her to display hubristic and imperialistic promptitude in gibbeting Maqbool Butt, the icon of Kashmir resistance movement, on February 11, 1984 in Tihar jail Delhi through a frenzied decision and decree based on heresay evidence. And this is how you made a laughing stock of Indian Judiciary. Alas!, Farooq Abdullah, while jettisoning and deserting his friend Maqbool Butt, signed his black warrant like a perfect obsequious quisling. 
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to crave for martyrdom; however his yearning and longing got materialized on October 10, 680 A.D. (10th of Muharram, 61 AH) when Imam Hussain, his grandson, died as a martyr while fighting, like a furious lion, against the Yazidi forces at Karbala. Protomartyr Maqbool Butt, while following in the footsteps of Imam Hussain, decided to embark upon protracted guerrilla war in Kashmir when Pakistan, as a party to Kashmir issue failed in achieving the desired objective in its military adventures of 1947 and 1965. Maqbool Butt, the political genius (with master’s degree in Urdu) said adieu to his profession (Journalism) and vowed to spearhead the armed resistance movement in Kashmir under the banner of NLF, the militant outfit of Plebiscite Front Azad Kashmir. Maqbool Butt (Sheri Trehgam) entered Kashmir valley first in June 1966 along with Aurangzeb (alias Tahir), Maj. Amanullah (the war veteran of 1947-48 Kashmir liberation campaign) and other freedom zealots. Maqbool and some of his colleagues had an encounter with Indian armed personnel on September 14, 1966 at Nadihal (Baramulla). Aurangzeb fought like a leopard and died as a martyr. Maqbool resisted till the last cartridge; eventually he was arrested and lodged in an interrogation centre for sustained interrogation. Death sentence passed against Maqbool on August 17, 1968 could not thwart his resolve to ingeniously and adroitly manage his escape from Srinagar central jail on December 9, 1968. Dexterous Maqbool, the apostle of will and valour, and his committed friends, Mir Ahmad and Yaseen, after strenuously perambulating and traversing the mountainous terrain in Kamalkote (Uri), reached Muzaffarabad on December 26, 1968. Victorious expeditionist and adventurist, after becoming the president of Plebiscite Front Azad Kashmir redoubled his efforts for the liberation of Kashmir. In 1976 Maqbool Butt, the ideal epitome and emblem of patriotic commitment and conviction, rejected Indira-Abdullah accord of 1974 and decided to re-enter Kashmir valley to organize the valiant youth of Kashmir for sustained indefatigable resistance. 
Thus Maqbool Butt ___ the conscientious patriot surcharged with exuberant and ebullient love for his homeland, determined to undergo and hazard all the trials and tribulations, ready to face the gallows ___ darted into Kashmir valley in May 1976 along with his equally resolute compatriots Hamid and Riyaz. His presence in the valley as supremo of guerrilla resistance movement did create flutter; it, in fact, jolted the Indian system of strangulation. Maqbool and his courageous colleagues were arrested on June 7, 1976 at Langate (Handwara). Maqbool Butt was lodged in Tihar jail Delhi where he, in solitary confinement, would remain engrossed in meditation like an ideal monotheistic introvert. Nimaz and recitation of Holy Qur’an was all that he would draw inspiration from for survival as an ideologue wedded to the cause of freedom of his beloved Kashmir. On February 11, 1984 he kissed the noose that facilitated his tryst with Jannat. His martyrdom literally triggered off turmoil and turbulence in Kashmir in July 1988. The Delhi liege lords were taken aback by the topsy-turvy situation created by the insurrection and insurgency. Thus the history of unpredictable events testified that rash and brash act of execution of Kashmiri resistance icon was a blunder which irreparably tarnished the image of India as a democracy. 
Gen. V. K. Singh, the army chief of India, as reported by the daily papers of January 18, 2012, while dilating on the strategic military doctrine of India in a seminar in Delhi, said, “Well, nuclear weapons certainly checkmate the impulsive propensity for and disposition to war. India has traversed the era of “Operation Prakaram”. Today we can achieve in seven days what we made a reality in fifteen days (in 1971). Two years hence we will be in a position to make it a 2-day adventure.” What does the statement insinuate, portend, foreshadow and presage? Just anatomize the message objectively and dispassionately. Should not the impotent neighbours of India like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Srilanka feel anguished, agonized and traumatized due to this startling statement? Notwithstanding Bangladesh’s espousal of “secular democracy” and approval of defeatist schema and nostrum to mortgage its power resources with India, the de facto protectorate and protĆ©gĆ© (Bangladesh) cannot safeguard its semi-sovereignty when Indian chauvinism will bare its fangs. 
Remember that missile-shield deterrence will be a technical flop-show in the moment of crisis. Don’t rely on it. Identify the real predicament that torpedoes and sabotages every peace initiative in Asia. Ultraism, the recollection of which haunts your mind like a demon and ghost, is, in fact, the natural dividend of the state-terrorism of USA and NATO in Afghanistan, rowdyism and obstreperousness of Israel in Middle-East and ruthless stratocracy of India in Kashmir. A concept of mutualism, codependency and pacifist altruism can definitely guarantee amity and cordiality in the comity of nations if powerful countries divest themselves of megalomaniac subjectivity, overbearing diplomatic demeanour, unilateralism, urge for predatoriness, depredatory military adventurism, fascist arrogance and chauvinistic fixation --- all that invites stiff and snubbing unconventional resistance. It is deplorable that India, instead of solving the Kashmir issue peacefully in accordance with the freedom aspirations of Kashmiris, identifies itself with Occidental imperialism. And disciples of Indian Gen. Dyer (Jagmohan) are hell-bent on orchestrating the obnoxious and gruesome show of carnage and mayhem the way they did on January 6, 1992 at Sopore, January 25, 1990 at Handwara, January 27, 1994 at Kupwara and January 21, 1990 at Gawkadal (Srinagar). 
Maqbool Butt, the resistance icon, will continue to inspire the freedom zealots of Kashmir. You have to concede to our right to self-determination. 

M. Azam Inqilabi,Patron ,JK Mahaz-e-Azadi. 


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