GNS Srinagar, April 19::: Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has expressed deep anguish at the dislocation caused in major portions of srinagar city as a result of government apathy and slow pace of execution in drainage and raod projects. In a joint statement leaders of the party Naeem Akhtar and Syed Mohd Altaf Bukhari have said a large population in Hazratbal, Zadibal, Soura,Buchpora, Lalbazar and Eidgah areas are facing acute problems of accessibility as most of the roads have been dug up in these areas years back to construct drains but never completed.
The party leaders said some of the drainage projects have been started six years back and are still nowhere near completion. “While amenities are lacking in the entire capital city the areas falling under Hazrathbal, Zadibal, Eidgah, Buchpora and parts of Ganderbal constituencies are facing the accessibility problem more acutely”. They said rains have converted the streets and byelanes of these areas into mud tracks and it is imposible for vehicles to negotiate most of the hazards. Even pedestrian movment is impossible at many places and people are facing life threatening hazards.
The statement says many people in the area are thinking of migrating to other places as there woes and miseries seem to be unending. ‘Sone of the roads look as if they have been bombarded”, the statement pointed out. It said the most important Dr Ali Jan road is in a permanent state of disrepair even as crores have been spent on it during the past few years. The road that leads to SKIMS and is supposed to be a life line for critical patients has been a particular victim of government inefficiency, corruption and inaction.The leaders said many patients have reportedly lost their life as an impact of the bad road as they were being shifted in emergency conditions to the institute.
The PDP leaders said the monitoring of development works has proved ineffective because of political interference and the vested interest promoted through unfair allocation of works without tenders. They said the ruling party had patronized a particular group of people either related to the city politicians or working as the ruling party functionaries. The officers and the engineers who are expected to enforce norms and transparency are unable to do so in view of the construction mafia that is promoted by the NC, its leaders and the cadre. “ In the process not only huge sums meant for development of roads, drains, water supply are siphoned off, but the general public are put to unending inconvenience”.
The leaders said the state as a result of lack of political direction, official lethargy and corruption has lost a golden opportunity to modernize amenities in the city. The funds on offer from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and under NUURM could not be utilized efficiently because of government way wardness and lack of vision. “Other wise the city could have solved its huge civic problems for many decades if the funds were utilized efficiently and honestly”, they said.
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