GNS Srinagar , May 15 ::, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has condemned the shooting incident on the Kashmir University campus that resulted in disturbances and reported injuries to some students. In a statement the PDP chief spokesperson Naeem Akhtar said the shooting incident was symptomatic of the trigger happy nature of the government forces which have no respect for human rights or value for human life. He said the atmosphere of insecurity created by the present dispensation had perculated down even to the educational institutions and it was deeply disturbing that the PSo’s of the Vice chancellor should have opened fire in response to a non event.
Expressing solidarity with the injured students the Akhtar said the use of unwarranted force gives an idea of how the govt is misusing its instruments to create an artificial calm which can get shattered on the flimsiest pretext. He said the govt and the university authorities must come out clean on this shameful incident.
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