GNS BHADERWAH,SEPT17--For the second consecutive day, protests continued in Bhaderwah against a blasphemous film made by an Israeli- American Jew. Hundreds of students of Govt Degree College Bhaderwah ,Govt Hr Sec School Boys and girls registered their protests against the controversial film "Innocence of Muslims" and chanted anti-US slogans across the town after taking out a procession .Soon after the Degree College and schools opened today morning, hundreds of students took to streets and chanted anti-US slogans. The protesters demanded stern action against the film maker and said he should be punished in such a way so that in future nobody should dare to do such infamous act.Shouting slogans ‘Down with America and Israel’, the protesting students said they can tolerate everything but such blasphemous things against the last prophet Muhammad (SAW), his companions and holy Quran can’t be tolerated at any cost. “We can take any extreme step against t
hese derogatory remarks. We can sacrifice our lives for this as our Prophet (SAW) is dearer to us that any other thing,” shouted the students.They said the US and Israel do not want to live in peace with the Muslims that is why such blasphemous acts are done to create unrest in the Muslim world.“We cannot tolerate the attack on Islam by Americans and Jews through the media. Be it the desecration of the Holy Quran, the burning of mosques or making of these hurtful films, the Muslim community has time and again been targeted. America and its allies want to satisfy their selfish motives under the garb of global peace,” Javed Iqbal Shoora a student in protest said.Students also called for ban on the US-made products as a mark of protest. “Violence is not the way out. We must opt for other peaceful and meaningful ways of protesting. We should ban the use of the US based products . We all are emotionally charged right now, but we need to devise a long-term strategy to ward of such attacks by these countries,” Laqyiat Ali , a student at Degree college Bhaderwah said."The religious leaders of the Bhaderwah have advise people to maintain peace and not to indulge in activities that could further aggravate the situation." It is notable to mention here that film named ‘Innocence of Muslims’, which is directed by unknown American director Sam Basil has generated massive demonstrations in the entire Muslim world. The director of the movie terms Islam as ‘cancer’ .”The two-hour movie cost US$5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 unknown donors from France, Germany and Holland.“The Innocence of Muslims” , was first uploaded to YouTube few days back by anti Muslim elements , but did not receive much attention. But last week, a version was dubbed into Arabic and re-posted on the same YouTube channel thus generating massive protests in the entire Muslim world.
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